Creating the global brand story and tagline for Uniqlo.
Made for all
Made for all body shapes
Made for all ethnicities
Made for All New Yorkers.
Uniqlo is a Japanese brand that believes that good quality clothing should be available to people of all social, cultural and financial backgrounds. I worked closely with Uniqlo Tokyo to translate their core mission and brand promise into what became the Made for All tagline and global manifesto, used by Uniqlo's network of agencies.
video credit: Michael Ferrare and Yutaka Tsujino. Creative partner: Thomas Hayo
Turning lipstick into street art
The ultimate product demonstration: A mural made entirely from Maybelline 'Super-stay' lipstick
Maybelline "24Hr Superstay"
A collaboration with Street Artist “Elle” to create a live lipstick mural in the Flatiron district of NYC. Role: Group Creative Director, Code and Theory.
Slowing down the fast fashion machine for Levi’s.
Levi's shows Timeless cool across generations
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
Levi's wanted to defy the trend-obsessed denim market by showing that 'cool' can stand the test of time. This campaign celebrates the timeless style of a pair of Levi’s, across generations of the same family: Mothers and daughters, fathers and sons.
Blurring the lines between art and learning
Maybelline NYC wanted to demonstrate the ease and flow of their new Eye Liner product, so we created a pop-up Art Gallery experience with street artist Shantall Martin. The exhibition attracted the NYC downtown scene of fashion, media and art crowd, who participated in real-time creation of line art, on walls as well as their faces.
Role: Group Creative Director
The Most Successful Product Promo In Unilever History.
A fantasy airline that landed record sales and awards.
I was the lead creative and writer behind the multi award-winning “Lynx Jet”campaign, a fantasy airline that garnered thirteen Cannes Lions and a Titanium. The campaign was the most successful product promotion in the Lynx brand’s history and continues to sell today as Lynx Jet.
Written about in Harvard Business Review here.
I’ve worked with: Sid Lee NY, Wieden + Kennedy, Media Arts Lab (MAL), Goodby Silverstein and Partners, BBH London, Hudson Rouge, Ogilvy, Code and Theory, Saatchi & Saatchi, BBDO NY, R/GA and many more.
Helping Heineken win the long game
For the Rugby World Cup sponsorship, we celebrated Heineken’s most important ingredient: The fans.
Creating a new voice for a 100-year-old company.
Voiced by matthew mcConaughey
The original viral video.
Channelling Dali and his
surrealist flying cat troupe of 1948
Way back, before cats became modern internet stars, I accidentally created the first viral cat video to circulate the globe. Controversial at the time, it made Top 10 Creative Hits by Campaign Magazine UK.